Bienvenido a nuestro Consultorio. Respetamos la dignidad y el orgullo de nuestros pacientes.

Este documento le explicará sus derechos y responsabilidades como paciente. Es parte de su registro como paciente y representa una parte importante de su plan de atención médica. Si tiene preguntas, por favor comuníquese con la administración del Consultorio/Clínica.

Nuestro compromiso con usted, nuestro paciente, incluye los siguientes derechos. Cumplimos con las leyes y derechos civiles federales aplicables y afirmamos que brindaremos atención médica de alta calidad a cada paciente, independientemente de:

su edad, sexo, discapacidad, raza, color, ascendencia, nacionalidad, religión, estado de embarazo, orientación sexual, identidad o expresión de género, origen nacional, condición de salud, estado civil, condición de veterano, fuente o capacidad de pago o cualquier otro aspecto prohibido por la ley federal, estatal o local.

Atención Considerada y Respetuosa

  • A atención justa, segura, profesional y de alta calidad
  • A atención sin importar el color, raza, religión, credo, etc.
  • A consideración, respeto y reconocimiento para con usted y su individualidad
  • A privacidad durante el tratamiento
  • A un entorno seguro
  • A solicitar que, excepto en caso de emergencia, haya una persona de su mismo sexo disponible para cualquier parte del examen, tratamiento o procedimiento que realice una persona del sexo opuesto
  • A que no se le pida permanecer sin ropa por un tiempo mayor al necesario para llevar a cabo el examen, prueba o procedimiento, ni por otro motivo
  • A consultas, exámenes y atención con privacidad y discreción. Consulte la Notificación de Prácticas de Privacidad (NOPP, por sus siglas en inglés) para ver la lista completa de privacidad y seguridad en relación con los derechos de información médica/historia clínica
  • A llevar ropa de uso personal apropiada y símbolos religiosos u otros artículos simbólicos, siempre y cuando no interfieran con los procedimientos de tratamiento o diagnóstico

Estado de Salud y Atención Médica

  • A ser informado sobre su estado de salud en términos o en un lenguaje que pueda esperarse que usted, su familia y sus cuidadores comprendan
  • A formar parte de su plan de cuidados y tratamiento y participar en ellos activamente
  • A participar en las decisiones relacionadas con su cuidado, a menos que sus médicos u otras personas consideren que esto es nocivo para usted
  • A saber, a que se le informen y comprender:
    • los nombres, funciones y certificaciones de los expertos que le brindan atención médica
    • su cuidado de seguimiento
    • los riesgos, beneficios y efectos secundarios de todos los medicamentos y procedimientos de tratamiento para su afección diagnosticada
    • los medicamentos y procedimientos de tratamiento de diagnóstico innovadores o experimentales que se ofrecen
    • las opciones de tratamiento alternativas que se ofrecen
    • su procedimiento y el “consentimiento informado” antes de que comience
    • los posibles resultados de su tratamiento y cuidado
    • el modo de evaluar y controlar su dolor
  • Cuando y si el Consultorio recomienda otras instituciones de atención médica:
    • participar en sus cuidados
    • saber cuáles son estos otros establecimientos de atención médica y qué harán
    • rehusarse a recibir tratamiento por parte de estos establecimientos
  • A obtener ayuda de parte del médico y otras personas para sus cuidados de seguimiento, si están disponibles
  • A cambiar de proveedores o buscar una segunda opinión, incluyendo a especialistas, previo pedido suyo y a su cargo

Toma de Decisiones y Notificación

  • A elegir a una persona para que sea su representante en relación a su atención médica o que tome decisiones por usted
  • A excluir a aquellas personas cuya ayuda no desee recibir o a las personas que no desee que participen en su cuidado o sus decisiones
  • A solicitar, pero sin derecho a exigir, la prestación de servicios que el Consultorio no considere necesarios o apropiados
  • A rechazar el tratamiento
  • A ser incluido en investigaciones experimentales únicamente con su consentimiento por escrito
  • A rehusarse a ser parte de una investigación experimental, incluyendo las relacionadas con nuevos fármacos y dispositivos médicos
  • A recibir la información necesaria para aprobar un tratamiento o procedimiento
  • A brindar su consentimiento para la realización de un procedimiento o tratamiento

Acceso a Servicios

  • A recibir servicios de un traductor, intérprete u otros servicios o dispositivos necesarios para ayudarlo a comunicarse con el Consultorio de forma oportuna (por ejemplo: intérpretes calificados, información escrita en otros idiomas o formatos)
  • A traer un animal de servicio, excepto que esté prohibido por las políticas del Consultorio
  • A acceder a los edificios y terrenos de nuestro establecimiento en cumplimiento de La ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades, una ley contra la discriminación a personas con discapacidades.  La política ADA se encuentra disponible previo pedido
  • A recibir una respuesta rápida y razonable a sus preguntas y pedidos de servicio
  • Si necesita alguno de los servicios arriba mencionados, comuníquese con el equipo de administración del Consultorio al ${ehc_current_facility_building.primaryPhone}.

Decisión Ética

  • A hablar con su médico y participar con él para tratar las siguientes cuestiones:
    • resoluciones de conflictos
    • rehusarse a recibir servicios de resucitación
    • rehusarse a recibir o retirar los cuidados de soporte vital
    • estudios o ensayos clínicos con fines de investigación
  • A saber que si su experto en atención médica decide que el hecho de que usted se rehúse a recibir tratamiento le impide obtener los cuidados apropiados (tal como lo establecen sus normas profesionales y éticas), esto puede poner fin al vínculo

Pagos y Asuntos Administrativos

  • A revisar la factura por la atención que ha recibido, independientemente de su capacidad de pago o de la fuente de pago
  • A recibir información sobre recursos financieros disponibles
  • En el caso de una persona no asegurada, a recibir, antes de la prestación de un servicio médico planificado que no sea de emergencia, una estimación razonable de los cargos de dicho servicio e información sobre cualquier política de descuento o beneficencia para los cuales la persona no asegurada puede ser elegible.
  • A saber si el Consultorio, los médicos y otros miembros del equipo aceptan Medicare, el seguro de salud del gobierno para las personas de más de 65 años o que poseen discapacidades
  • A conocer y comprender los cargos de Medicare en relación con los servicios y el tratamiento que se le han brindado
  • A recibir una estimación razonable del costo de su atención médica antes de recibir tratamiento, en caso de que lo solicite
  • A no estar obligado a cumplir con ningún requisito que indique que debe comprar fármacos, o alquilar o comprar insumos o equipos médicos en un lugar en particular (específicamente de acuerdo con las normas del Artículo 1320 CA del Código de Salud y Seguridad) y, como paciente, a elegir en caso de tener que tomar este tipo de decisiones

Servicios de Protección

  • A recibir los servicios de protección y asesoría disponibles
  • A recibir, según lo ofrecido por la ley estatal:
    • atención y tratamiento para enfermedades mentales o discapacidades del desarrollo
    • todos los derechos legales y civiles como ciudadano
  • A comprender y esperar que se le practiquen procedimientos de emergencia sin demoras innecesarias dentro del alcance del Consultorio
  • A recibir la información necesaria para aprobar un tratamiento o procedimiento
  • A recibir las políticas y los procedimientos del Consultorio para:
    • la iniciación, revisión y resolución de quejas de pacientes, incluidos la dirección y el número de teléfono para presentar quejas
  • A discutir sobre reclamaciones, dudas o problemas en cuanto a discriminación en el acceso a servicios con su médico o equipo de administración del Consultorio/Coordinador del Cumplimiento de la Equidad llamando al ${ehc_current_facility_building.primaryPhone}. Puede presentar una reclamación en persona o por correo postal, fax o correo electrónico. Si necesita ayuda para presentar una queja, el Coordinador del Cumplimiento de la Equidad está disponible para ayudarlo.
  • A presentar una queja ante la Línea de Ética (1-800-994-6610), el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos*, la Oficina de Derechos Civiles* u otros, expresando sus inquietudes en cuanto a abusos sufridos por el paciente, negligencia, el uso indebido de su propiedad en el Consultorio, otras quejas no resueltas, seguridad de los pacientes e inquietudes con respecto a la calidad
  • A obtener una revisión justa de las denuncias de violación de derechos de los pacientes

*Información de contacto para HHS u OCR: Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los Estados Unidos 200 Independence Avenue, SW Room 509F, HHH Building Washington, D.C. 20201 1-800-368-1019, 800-537-7697 (TDD) Los formularios de demanda están disponibles en o


Usted es un miembro importante y activo en su plan de cuidado. Tiene ciertas responsabilidades para con usted mismo y su equipo de atención.

En nombre de la confianza y el respeto compartidos, le pedimos que:

  • Brinde información completa y verdadera sobre su:
    • Condición médica
    • Historia clínica
    • Hospitalizaciones
    • Medicamentos
    • Otros asuntos relacionados con su salud
    • Información de contacto, familiares y cuidadores y otra información necesaria
  • Infórmenos sobre:
    • cualquier riesgo en relación con su cuidado
    • Cambios en su cuidado, enfermedad o lesión
    • Inquietudes en relación con la seguridad
    • Violación de sus derechos como paciente
    • Si comprende su plan de atención y qué esperamos de usted
    • Si no comprende su plan de atención o la información contenida en él
    • Si tiene preguntas o necesita consultar algo
  • Por favor:
    • Siga su plan de cuidado y las instrucciones de su médico, enfermeros u otros miembros del equipo médico
    • Cumpla con sus citas y, si no puede asistir, háganoslo saber con una anticipación mínima de 24 horas antes de su cita
    • Hágase responsable de sus actos si se rehúsa a recibir atención o no sigue las órdenes de su médico
    • Abone sus facturas de atención médica de forma oportuna
    • Siga los procedimientos, normas y regulaciones del consultorio
    • Sea considerado en cuanto a los derechos de otros pacientes y de nuestro personal
    • Sea respetuoso con usted mismo y con nuestro personal
    • Ayude al personal a evaluar su nivel de dolor, a ayudarlo y a discutir sobre un modo de aliviarlo rápidamente. Comunique sus inquietudes sobre los medicamentos para el dolor y ayude a desarrollar un plan para controlarlo
    • Trate al médico y a nuestro personal de atención médica con respeto y consideración
    • Acepte que no se tolerará el lenguaje obsceno o el mal comportamiento y podrá ser el fundamento para que se lo expulse del lugar
    • Acepte que podemos finalizar nuestro vínculo si usted no sigue las órdenes del médico o de su plan de atención


Welcome to our Practice. We respect our patients' dignity and pride.

This document will explain your patient rights and responsibilities. It is part of your patient registration and is an important part of your health care plan. If you have any questions, please contact the Practice/Clinic leadership.

Our commitment to you, our patient, includes the following rights. We comply with applicable Federal civil rights laws and affirm that we will deliver high-quality health care to every patient without regard to:

age, gender, disability, race, color, ancestry, citizenship, religion, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, health condition, marital status, veteran status, payment source or ability, or any other basis prohibited by federal, state, or local law

Considerate and Respectful Care

  • Fair, high-quality, safe and professional care
  • Care regardless of color, race, religion, creed, etc.
  • Consideration, respect, and recognition of you and your individuality
  • Treatment privacy
  • Safe environment
  • Ask for (except in emergencies) a person of the same sex to be available for any part of an exam, treatment or procedures performed by a person of the opposite sex
  • Not be undressed any longer than needed for the exam, test, procedure, or other reason
  • Private and discreet consultation, exam, and care. See Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP) for the full list of privacy and security of health information/medical record rights
  • To wear appropriate personal clothing and religious or other symbolic items, as long as they do not interfere with your treatment or diagnostic procedures

Health Status and Care

  • Be informed of your health status in terms and / or language that you, your family, and caregivers can be expected to understand
  • Take part and be active in your care and treatment plan
  • Participate in decisions in your care, unless your doctors or others believe it is harmful to you
  • Know, be told, and understand:
    • the names, roles, and qualifications of your health care experts that provide your care
    • your follow-up care
    • risks, benefits and side effects of all medicines and treatment procedures for your diagnoses
    • innovative or experimental medicines and treatment procedures of diagnosis offered
    • alternative treatment options offered
    • your procedure and to “give informed consent” before it begins
    • possible outcomes of your care and treatment
    • the assessment and management of your pain
  • When and if the Practice recommends other health care institutions:
    • to participate in your care
    • to know who these other health care places are and what they will do
    • to refuse their care
  • Get help from the doctor and others for follow-up care, if available
  • To change providers or get a second opinion, including specialists at your request and expense

Decision Making and Notification

  • Choose a person to be your health care representative or decision-maker
  • Exclude those you do not want help from or to join in your care or decisions
  • Ask for, but not have the right to demand, services the Practice does not think are needed or appropriate
  • Refuse treatment
  • Be included in experimental research only with your written consent
  • Refuse experimental research including new drug and medical device investigations
  • Receive the information necessary to approve a treatment or procedure
  • Give consent to a procedure or treatment

Access to Services

  • Receive free services of a translator, interpreter, or other necessary services or devices to help you communicate with the Practice in a timely manner (i.e. qualified interpreters, written information in other format or languages, etc.)
  • Bring a service animal except where prohibited pursuant to Practice policy
  • Have access to our facility buildings and grounds in compliance with The Americans with Disabilities Act, a law that stops discrimination against people with disabilities.  The ADA policy is available upon request
  • Prompt and reasonable response to questions and requests for service
  • If you need any of the above services, contact the Practice management team at ${ehc_current_facility_building.primaryPhone}.

Ethical Decision

  • Talk to and join in with your doctor about:
    • conflict resolutions
    • withholding resuscitative services
    • foregoing or withdrawing life sustaining care
    • investigational study or clinical trials
  • Know that if your health care expert decides your refusal to accept treatment prevents you from getting the right care (as stated by its ethical and professional standards), it can end the relationship
  • Payment and Administrative

    • Review your health care bill regardless of your ability to pay it or the payment source
    • Receive information about available financial resources
    • If uninsured, to receive, before the provision of a planned nonemergency medical service, a reasonable estimate of charges for such service and information regarding any discount or charity policies for which the uninsured person may be eligible.
    • Know if the Practice, doctors and other team members accept Medicare, the government's health insurance for those aged 65+ or disabled
    • Know and understand the Medicare charges for your services and treatment provided
    • Receive if you ask, with explanation, a reasonable estimate of your health care charges before treatment
    • To be free from any requirement to purchase drugs, or rent or purchase medical supplies or equipment from any particular source (specifically in accordance with the provisions of the CA Section 1320 of the Health and Safety Code) and also to receive patient choice in these type of decisions

    Protective Service

    • Receive available protective and advocacy services
    • Receive, as offered by state law:
      • care and treatment for mental illness or development disability
      • all legal and civil rights as a citizen
    • Understand and expect emergency procedures without unneeded delay within Practice scope
    • Get needed information to approve a treatment or procedure
    • Be given the Practice's policies and procedures for:
      • Initiation, review, resolution of patient complaints, including the address and phone number to file complaints
    • Discuss complaints, issues, or problems regarding discrimination in access to services with your doctor and/or the Practice management team/ Equity Compliance Coordinator at ${ehc_current_facility_building.primaryPhone}. You can file a grievance in person or by mail, fax, or email. If you need help filing a grievance, the Equity Compliance Coordinator is available to help you.
    • File a complaint with the Ethics Line (1-800-994-6610), the Department of Health and Human Services*, Office of Civil Rights* or others with your concerns about patient abuse, neglect, misuse of your property at the Practice, other unresolved complaints, patient safety, and quality concerns
    • Have a fair review of alleged patient right violations

    *Contact information for HHS or OCR: US. Department U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Avenue, SW Room 509F, HHH Building Washington, D.C. 20201 1-800-368-1019, 800-537-7697 (TDD) Complaint forms are available at or


    You are an important and active member of your care plan. You have certain responsibilities to yourself and to your care team.

    In the spirit of shared trust and respect, we ask you to:

    • Give true and complete information about your:
      • Health status
      • Medical history
      • Hospitalizations
      • Medicines
      • Other matters about your health
      • Contact information, family members and caregivers and other needed information
    • Let us know:
      • any risks about your care
      • Changes in your care, illness, or injury
      • Safety concerns
      • Violation of your patient rights
      • If you understand your care plan and what we expect from you
      • If you don’t understand your care plan or its information
      • If you have or need to ask questions
    • Please:
      • Follow your care plan and instructions created by your doctor, nurses or other health care team members
      • Keep appointments and, if you cannot make your appointments, let us know at a minimum 24 hours before your appointment
      • Be responsible for your actions if you refuse care or don’t follow doctor’s orders
      • Pay your health care bills in a timely manner
      • Follow practice procedures, rules and regulations
      • Be thoughtful of the rights of other patients and our staff
      • Be respectful of yourself and our staff
      • Help staff to assess your pain, to assist you to discuss and get prompt relief, communicate your concerns about pain medicines and develop a pain management plan
      • Treat the doctor and our health care staff with respect and consideration
      • Accept that bad language or behavior is not tolerated and may be grounds for dismissal
      • Accept we may end our relationship if you do not follow your doctor’s orders or care plan

    Your Patient Rights

    Welcome to our Practice. We respect our patients’ dignity and pride. This document will explain your patient rights and responsibilities. It is part of your patient registration and is an important part of your health care plan. If you have any questions, please contact the Practice/Clinic leadership.

    Our commitment to you, our patient, includes the following rights. We affirm that we will deliver high-quality health care to every patient without regard to: age, gender, disability, race, color, ancestry, citizenship, religion, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, health condition, marital status, veteran status, payment source or ability, or any other basis prohibited by federal, state, or local law.

    Considerate and Respectful Care

    Our Considerate and Respectful Care Policy gives you the right to:

    • Fair, high-quality, safe and professional care
    • Care regardless of color, race, religion, creed, etc.
    • Consideration, respect, and recognition of you and your individuality
    • Treatment privacy
    • Safe environment
    • Ask for (except in emergencies) a person of the same sex to be available for any part of an exam, treatment or procedures performed by a person of the opposite sex
    • Not be undressed any longer than needed for the exam, test, procedure, or other reason
    • Private and discreet consultation, exam, and care. See Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP) for the full list of privacy and security of health information/medical record rights
    • To wear appropriate personal clothing and religious or other symbolic items, as long as they do not interfere with your treatment or diagnostic procedures

    Health Status and Care Policy

    Our Health Status and Care Policy gives you the right to:

    • Be informed of your health status in terms and / or language that you, your family, and caregivers can be expected to understand
    • Take part and be active in your care and treatment plan
    • Participate in decisions in your care, unless your doctors or others believe it is harmful to you
    • Know, be told, and understand:
      • the names, roles and qualifications of your health care experts that provide your care
      • your follow-up care
      • risks, benefits and side effects of all medicines and treatment procedures for your diagnoses
      • innovative or experimental medicines and treatment procedures of diagnosis offered
      • alternative treatment options offered
      • your procedure and to “give informed consent” before it begins
      • possible outcomes of your care and treatment
      • the assessment and management of your pain
    • When and if the Practice recommends other health care institutions:
      • to participate in your care
      • to know who these other health care places are and what they will do
      • to refuse their care
    • Get help from the doctor and others for follow-up care, if available
    • To change providers or get a second opinion, including specialists at your request and expense

    Decision Making and Notification Policy

    Our Decision Making and Notification Policy gives you the right to:

    • Choose a person to be your health care representative or decision-maker
    • Exclude those you do not want help from or to join in your care or decisions
    • Ask for, but not have the right to demand, services the Practice does not think are needed or appropriate
    • Refuse treatment
    • Be included in experimental research only with your written consent
    • Refuse experimental research including new drug and medical device investigations
    • Receive the information necessary to approve a treatment or procedure
    • Give consent to a procedure or treatment

    Access to Services Policy

    Our Access to Services Policy gives you the right to:

    • Receive translator, interpreter or other necessary services or devices to help you communicate with the Practice in a timely manner
    • Bring a service animal except where prohibited pursuant to Practice policy
    • Have access to our facility buildings and grounds in compliance with The Americans with Disabilities Act, a law that stops discrimination against people with disabilities. The ADA policy is available upon request
    • Prompt and reasonable response to questions and requests for service

    Ethical Decision Policy

    Our Ethical Decision Policy gives you the right to:

    • Talk to and join in with your doctor about:
      • conflict resolutions
      • withholding resuscitative services
      • foregoing or withdrawing life sustaining care
      • investigational study or clinical trials
    • Know that if your health care expert decides your refusal to accept treatment prevents you from getting the right care (as stated by its ethical and professional standards), it can end the relationship

    Protective Service Policy

    Our Protective Service Policy gives you the right to:

    • Receive available protective and advocacy services
    • Be given the Practice’s policies and procedures for:
      • Initiation, review, resolution of patient complaints, including the address and phone number to file complaints
    • Discuss complaints, issues, or problems with your doctor and the Practice management team
    • File a complaint with the Department of Health or others with your concerns about patient abuse, neglect, misuse of your property at the Practice, other unresolved complaints, patient safety, and quality concerns
    • Have a fair review of alleged patient right violations
    • Receive, as offered by state law:
      • care and treatment for mental illness or development disability
      • all legal and civil rights as a citizen
    • Understand and expect emergency procedures without unneeded delay within Practice scope
    • Get needed information to approve a treatment or procedure

    Payment and Administrative Policy

    Our Payment and Administrative Policy gives you the right to:

    • Review your health care bill regardless of your ability to pay it or the payment source
    • Receive information about available financial resources
    • If uninsured, to receive, before the provision of a planned nonemergency medical service, a reasonable estimate of charges for such service and information regarding any discount or charity policies for which the uninsured person may be eligible.
    • Know if the Practice, doctors and other team members accept Medicare, the government’s health insurance for those aged 65+ or disabled
    • Know and understand the Medicare charges for your services and treatment provided
    • Receive if you ask, with explanation, a reasonable estimate of your health care charges before treatment
    • To be free from any requirement to purchase drugs, or rent or purchase medical supplies or equipment from any particular source (specifically in accordance with the provisions of the CA Section 1320 of the Health and Safety Code) and also to receive patient choice in these type of decisions

    Your Patient Responsibilities

    You are an important and active member of your care plan. You have certain responsibilities to yourself and to your care team.

    In the spirit of shared trust and respect, we ask you to:

    • Give true and complete information about your:
      • Health status
      • Medical history
      • Hospitalizations
      • Medicines
      • Other matters about your health
      • Contact information, family members and caregivers and other needed information
    • Let us know:
      • Any risks about your care
      • Changes in your care, illness, or injury
      • Safety concerns
      • Violation of your patient rights
      • If you understand your care plan and what we expect from you
      • If you don’t understand your care plan or its information
      • If you have or need to ask questions
    • Please:
      • Follow your care plan and instructions created by your doctor, nurses or other health care team members
      • Keep appointments and, if you cannot make your appointments, let us know at a minimum 24 hours before your appointment
      • Be responsible for your actions if you refuse care or don’t follow doctor’s orders
      • Pay your health care bills in a timely manner
      • Follow Practice procedures, rules and regulations
      • Be thoughtful of the rights of other patients and our staff
      • Be respectful of yourself and our staff
      • Help staff to assess your pain, to assist you to discuss and get prompt relief, communicate your concerns about pain medicines and develop a pain management plan
      • Treat the doctor and our health care staff with respect and consideration
      • Accept that bad language or behavior is not tolerated and may be grounds for dismissal
      • Accept we may end our relationship if you do not follow your doctor’s orders or care plan